A gym workout can be the underpinning of a great day... if you know what you're doing when you get there. If not, it can feel daunting stepping onto the gym floor without a scooby about what to do or where to go. (Spoilers, it's not the '80s so slogging on a treadmill in the corner isn't the best place to start.)
So, if you're one of the 2.9k people who search for a 'gym workout' every month, in this guide we'll walk you through two solid gym workouts: one full body and one lower body. You'll also learn how to exercise in a safe way that keeps you free from injury or burn out. (This goes too if you're looking to upgrade your home gym workouts and limited home gym equipment to a proper gym workout plan, including workout splits.)
For those of you who find the thought of that first gym workout overwhelming – perhaps you're lost on knowing which free weights to use or wondering how long is a good workout at the gym – know that we're here to advise you. And that includes telling you about the best gym trainers or running shoes for your next workout, too.
Whether your gym workout questions pertain to following a celebrity workout routine or you're currently nailing our guide to strength training for beginners, we've got the answers to your questions, as well as a ready-made gym workout plan for women designed by PT Andy Vincent. You're welcome!
What makes a good gym workout for a beginner?
'As a beginner, it's important to focus on nailing your form and technique while lifting,' Laura Hoggins, PT at The Foundry advises.
'Recovery is also essential. So, depending on your goals, scheduling two strength training days and two cardio conditioning days, with a day off after each strength day would be ideal. We want to challenge the body and give it the time to make positive adaptations to your workout demands.'
'Once you feel confident as a beginner with free weights or resistance machines, you may benefit from splitting your strength days like so:
Upper and lower body sessions, to form a workout split
Ideally, complete your cardio after strength or preferably, on another day completely. 'We want to work hard but we must focus on our recovery!' she adds.
A beginners' full-body gym workout plan for women
Try these nine moves as a 30-minute gym workout once a week.
- Do: three circuits, starting with exercise one and ending on exercise nine.
- Rest: two minutes in between each round (from one-nine).
- Focus: on the area you're working to really feel the burn and maximise effects.
1. Dumbbell hip bridge
This exercise benefits:
- Sit on the floor with a box or a bench behind you and a dumbbell over your the crease of your hips (the amount of weight you go for should be informed by your goal and capability).
- Roll the bar so that it’s directly over your hips and lean back so that your shoulder blades rest on the bench.
- Drive through the heels of your feet, pushing up your hips (shoulders and feet supporting you).
- Squeezing your glutes, extend as high as possible. Hold for 5 secs then slowly lower. Do 20 reps.
2. Deadbug
This exercise benefits:
- Lie on your back with your arms skywards and legs raised and bent at 90 degrees.
- Slowly lower your right arm behind you, as you extend your left leg out in front.
- Exhale, then gently return to the starting position and repeat, this time extending the right leg and lowering your left arm behind you. Reduce the weight if your back arches off the floor. Do 10 reps per leg.
3. Dumbbell lunge
This exercise benefits: glutes, quads, hamstrings
- Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand.
- Step forwards into a lunge on your left leg. Hold for a beat.
- Push off your left leg to return to the starting position and repeat. Do 10 reps per leg.
4. Renegade row
This exercise benefits: abs, shoulders
- With a kettlebell in one hand, start in a high plank position, keeping your pelvis as stable as possible and hips lifted.
- Row your right arm back without twisting your shoulders, keeping your elbows tucked in to engage your lats.
- End with your wrist by your hip, then lower the kettlebell back to the floor.
Repeat for 10 reps, then switch sides.
5. Romanian deadlift
This exercise benefits: core, hamstrings
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand, keep your knees slightly bent, your back straight and your core engaged.
- Hinge forwards at the hips, keeping your upper back and arms straight so the dumbbells lower directly in front of your legs. Hold for 3 secs then return to the starting position by squeezing your glutes and pushing your hips forward (remember to keep your back straight). Do 10 reps per leg.
6. Floor press
This exercise benefits: shoulders, triceps
- Lying on your back, hold two dumbbells in each hand in front of your shoulders. Tuck your pelvis under and keep your core tight.
- Push the dumbbells overhead, holding your wrists strong. Then reverse to the starting position. Do 10 reps.
7. Goblet squat
This exercise benefits: hip flexors, quads, lats, calves, glutes, hamstrings
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell by its head in front of your chest, elbows down.
- Push your hips back, keep your back straight and torso forward, and bend your knees to lower into a squat, elbows brushing the insides of your knees. Hold for 3 secs then push yourself back up. That’s one rep. Do 20.
8. Russian twist with kettlebell
This exercise benefits: core, abs
- Sit on the floor with your ankles together. Hold a kettlebell by its bottom with both hands. Twist your arms to one side so that your torso follows but your back stays straight, clasping the kettlebell firmly.
- Twist as far as you can so that the kettlebell is nearly touching the floor. Engage your core and twist back through centre and over to the other side. Do 10 reps.
9. Forearm plank
This exercise benefits: core, abs
- Get into a plank position with your forearms on the floor, elbows stacked under shoulders, toes tucked and hips raised so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your feet.
- Engage your core (it should feel as though you are tensing) and hold for 30 secs. Remember to keep your hips raised, breathe and try not to arch your back.