The Complete 30-Day Based Bodyweight Training Program With Fat Burning Nutrition Guide & Foods List
- Lose body fat, build lean muscle and transform your body in 31 days
- Learn the scienco of body transformation using only bodyweight exercises and resistance bands
- The prefect plan to combat that holiday season weight gain!
- Have the ability to perform high intensity interval training
- A set of resistance bands
- Yoga/exercise mat (optional)
The perfect plan to combat that holiday weight gain!
Are you sick of being out of shape and overweight?
Are you ready to transform your body & life?
Are you ready to step up and take the 31-Day body transformation challenge?
If you said yes, I want to welcome you to the revolutionary science-based Body Transformation Challenge.
This program is structured to jump-start your body's fat loss and lean muscle building physiology in only 31 days and 20 minutes a day by following the science-based and clinically proven principles of the training protocol.
Dr. Tabata took two groups and put them on an exercise program for six weeks. The control group did one hour of moderate-intensity exercise five times a week.The other group did the high-intensity Tabata-style training, which equates to 20/10 session repeated eight times. 20/10 simply means 20 seconds of all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest repeated 8 times. This adds up to four minutes total. That equates to 1,800 minutes of training for the control group versus 120 minutes of training for the Tabata group over the six-week period.
The Tabata group improved both its aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels. In addition to increased fat loss through respiration the Tabata group also increased their anaerobic fitness level by 28% which stimulated additional fat loss through the lactic acid pathway
This Tabata methodology of training has been shown in numerous controlled studies to burn up to 9 TIMES as much body fat as traditional steady-state cardio while also stimulating the development of lean muscle mass.
It doesn't matter if you're just getting started with a fitness program or if you have years of training experience under your belt this program can serve as both a starting point and also help you blast through plateaus in your current training and accelerate your fat loss.
I'm so excited that you've decided to join me and will be training with me for the next 31 days. It's true 31 days, one month isn't an excessively long period of time, however, this science-based program is designed to produce big results in a short time.